Committees of the Church
Memorial Presbyterian Church has a dedicated congregation that is willing to share their time and talents to help the church function. This can be seen through the volunteers selected to serve each year on the church’s numerous committees.
The Session is made up of nine members, divided into three classes. The Session meets monthly and at specially called meetings, as necessary. Session members take turns throughout the year leading Sunday morning worship with the Pastor.
The six member Board of Deacons hold meetings from September thru May. The Deacons play an active role in the ministry of the Church. The Deacons provide orientation for those who serve as greeters and ushers. They are also involved with visiting shut-ins and nursing home.
The Trustees is made up of nine member and are responsible for the finances of the church. In addition, the Trustees oversee the church property.
In addition to the Session, Deacons, and Trustees, the Session has established the following standing committees:
The Foundation Committee consists of six members. They are responsible to oversee the investments and disbursements of the Memorial Presbyterian Church Foundation.
Budget and Stewardship
The Budget and Stewardship Committee Is made up of equal number representatives from the Session and the Trustees. They establish the budget for the coming year, review all major expenses not in the budget, and have the responsibility for the overall financial management of the church. The committee is responsible for the annual stewardship campaign.
Christian Education
This committee is in charge of all Christian learning experiences in the church for young people, children and adults. This includes Sunday School, Adult Studies, Vacation Bible School and after school programs. A liaison from the Session sits on this committee.
Church Use
This committee, consisting of three people from Session, deals with requests for the use of the church facility for special events as well as the use of church property.
Mission & Memorial
This committee identifies the monthly Mission Partners. They promote these causes to the congregation and encourage voluntary giving to them. This committee also handles all memorial gifts given to the church. They see that designated gifts are used as directed and decides how undesignated funds will be used for the betterment of the church. A liaison from the Session sits on this committee.
The Personnel Committee is comprised of three Session members and three Trustees. A Session member chairs the committee. They complete annual job performance reviews of church staff and make recommendations for staff compensation.
The nominating committee consists of outgoing members of the Session (2), Trustees (2), Deacons (2) and 5 at large members. They are responsible for identifying a slate of individuals to serve on the church’s various committees.
Music and Worship
This committee puts together special worship services, arranges for special music during the summer and organizes the organists or pianists for special worship services. A liaison from the Session sits on this committee.
The Funeral Committee coordinates with families to serve at the time of funerals.